Monday, December 14, 2009

First Shot

Firstly, let me start off by saying this is my first real attempt ever to write a respectable blog that is acceptable by blogger’s standards.
Tonight I had an amazing time allowing the Lord to guide me. This is how it all began. Recently, I’ve really been struggling with what Im doing at college. It really bothered me that I was wasting all of this money to get who knows what kind of degree, to do a who knows what kind of job. Im here to get an education so that I can get a job that pays well and will let me go to work to do something that I will enjoy doing for the rest of my life. I had been racking my brain for something I wouldn’t mind toiling at for the rest of my life, searching the school website for a new major, asking friends about their majors, etc…. Well, I recently gave up and just told God that I would just wait for him to show me something… anything. I was at the point where I didn’t care what I was meant to do, I just wanted to know what it was. Well, not long after I allowed myself to relax, God put it on my heart to consider a career in missions. I’ve always loved missions, but I guess I always thought me wanting to be a full time missionary was just a selfish way to get out of having to get a real job. After God put it on my heart to research what I love, I saw that in order to get yourself funded for full time missions by most funders, you more or less need a four year degree and some biblical training. That made me less depressed about being in college because I finally had something to set my goals for, a reason for paying all of this money (which I don’t have). Through this excitement, I got a much needed vigor in my studying of the Bible. I had gotten to a point lately that I felt so overwhelmed that I didn’t know what to turn to in the Bible. I had so much going on, that I didn’t know where to turn and I didn’t even know what I needed God to speak to me about, so I couldn’t look at references or anything (maybe that’s why they keep telling me I need structure in my life). God started speaking to me immediately after I let him. He put it on my heart to stop living a mediocre American Christian lifestyle.
So many people today have the reason of accepting Christ misunderstood. Who wouldn’t want a God who loves them, has an awesome plan for them, is going to bless them with all the things they want. Its about serving God. I’ll have more on this soon….
Anyways, now that im focused again on what God wants me to do, I pray that things will continue to look up. Im going to keep on pushing hard up here at school and let God continue to guide me. Im not sure if He is showing me what He wants me to do, or if He is just putting things back into perspective but im going to let Him continue to guide me.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hmm, lets try this again.

My N key is broken.
It has been quite some time since I last blogged... I was still in high school then. Still eighteen.
Alot of things have changed.... I found a Liz, cut my curls, started college... Well I guess thats all. But still, alot of time has gone by. I assumed by this point in my college career I would be a real intellectual thinker, like all, European hipster sheek, picnics in the park, v-neck t shirts and Chuck Taylors type guy. But nope. Im still just Kevin Bobby.
And I still have no idea how to blog or what subject matter to blog about. So I might just use this as a venue to publish some of the short stories I have written over time or will hopefully feel spurned to creatively write in the future.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Well, Im new to this whole professional blogging thing. Soon however, I believe I will be the next big internet sensation. The people of the cyber world will be completely entranced by my veiws on world issues. My work will most likely be closely monitered by the secret services because i have been previously tagged as an "revolutionary figure". What that means is, the government fears that I may be so well liked that people will follow me so closely that a Revolution may occur, or worse... a rebellion. However, let it be known, I am in no way trying unravel the tangled mass of dirty linens of our nations culture, just letting out some of my feelings that threaten to burn holes in my imagination at school. Daydreaming gets me into the most trouble....